CCTV Managed Services

We offer CCTV Managed Services tailored to meet the security needs of residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Our service includes a full site assessment, customised system design, professional IP Camera installation, and ongoing support.

CCTV Managed Services

1. Regular Maintenance:

  • Scheduled Inspections: Conduct periodic checks to ensure all components are functioning properly. This includes IP cameras, DVR/NVR, cables, and power supplies.
  • Cleaning: Clean camera lenses regularly to ensure clear images.
  • Firmware Updates: Keep all software and firmware up-to-date to ensure the system runs smoothly and securely.

2. Monitoring and Alerts:

  • Live Monitoring: Regularly monitor live feeds to check for any unusual activities.
  • Alert Management: Set up and manage alerts for motion detection or any other triggers. Ensure notifications are being received correctly.

3. Data Management:

  • Storage Management: Regularly check storage capacities and manage recordings. Archive important footage and ensure enough space for new recordings.
  • Backup: Set up automatic backups for critical footage, either on a local device or cloud storage.

4. Security Updates:

  • Software Security: Ensure that all security patches and updates are installed promptly.
  • Access Control: Regularly update passwords and manage user access rights to the system.

5. Technical Support:

  • Troubleshooting: Have a plan in place for quick troubleshooting of any issues. This might involve in-house expertise or a service contract with your CCTV provider.
  • Professional Support: Maintain contact with your installation service provider for any advanced technical support or system upgrades.

6. System Upgrades:

  • Technology Upgrades: Periodically review and upgrade the system components to leverage new technology for better security and efficiency.
  • Scalability: Plan for potential expansion, ensuring the system can scale with your security needs.

7. User Training:

  • Ongoing Training: Ensure that all relevant personnel are regularly trained on how to operate and manage the CCTV system.
  • Training Updates: Provide updates on new features or changes in the system.

8. Compliance and Documentation:

  • Compliance Checks: Ensure the system meets all local laws and regulations regarding surveillance and data protection.
  • Documentation: Keep thorough documentation of the system setup, configurations, maintenance schedules, and incident logs.

Service Management Plan:

  1. Monthly:
    • Inspect all cameras and clean lenses.
    • Check storage and manage recordings.
    • Update system firmware.
  2. Quarterly:
    • Conduct a detailed inspection and maintenance of all system components.
    • Review and adjust alert settings if necessary.
    • Backup critical footage and review storage policies.
  3. Annually:
    • Review system performance and security settings.
    • Conduct user training sessions.
    • Plan for and implement any necessary upgrades.

Contact Information:

  • Technical Support: Available 24/7 for troubleshooting and assistance.
  • Customer Service: For inquiries about upgrades, maintenance, and general support.

Some of our preferred brands and vendors

Find our own supplied IP Cameras

By following these steps, you can ensure your CCTV system remains effective, secure, and up-to-date, providing continuous protection for your property.